
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Remote Learning

Update - September 2021.

If your child needs to self isolate due to Covid-19 , please be assured that remote learning will be provided via Microsoft Teams on your child's school iPad.

Click here for guidance logging onto Teams via XBOX or PlayStation 


Government Announcement

National Lockdown starts on 5th January 2021 and Oasis Academy Skinner Street must remain closed to most pupils until schools re open on 8th March 2021. We are now moving onto remote learning. If you would like to view your child's remote learning resources and time table information,  please click on your child's year group below. Please note that the resources will be updated at the beginning of each learning week. Please click here to view our letter from Principal regarding the school closure.

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school where appropriate. However, we have needed to make some slight adaptations in some subjects and Key Stages.    

In Keys Stages 1 and 2, we teach the same curriculum as we do in school and most lessons are delivered live. Live sessions take one of two formats;  

  • A full live lesson with tasks included (time will be given for tasks to be completed within the session). 
  • A short introduction to direct children to the task for the day and to offer support as required. During this time, children may be directed to view a recorded lesson.  

Due to the nature of PE, these lessons are delivered through online links and recorded videos.  Please see the timetables on our website for full details.  

Reception aged children receive live lessons for Phonics, literacy, and social and emotional aspects of learning. However, due to the way young children learn, we have adapted our approach, and alongside these live sessions, we are providing videos created by our Academy staff for other specific areas of learning. These videos are aimed at helping you to engage your children in learning activities that reflect the Early Years Framework and self-led learning that they would usually undertake in school.  

In order to reduce screen time for young children, we have also provided CGP workbooks for English and Maths and Read Write Inc Phonics learning packs for reception and Year 1.  

Click here to view our Remote Learning Information for Parents/ Carers.

Click here to access the National Online Safety website for support

Click here to view our National Online Safety Award


  • For guidance logging onto Teams via XBOX or PlayStation please click here!

Remote Learning Timetables and Resources

SEN Support

Useful information, advise and tips for parents/carers