Why Choose Us
Choosing a school for your child is a big decision and we understand there are many factors to consider before applying. We hope you’ll find lots of useful information on this page to help you make the right choice for your family.
Our Ofsted visit in September 2021 was rated as a 'Good' school in all areas. If you would like to read the full inspection, please click here.
"Pupils appreciate the polite and respectful way that staff speak with them and say that this makes them want to be polite too." "Pupils get involved with their learning and enjoy their lessons. They are rightly proud of the work that they produce."Ofsted 2021
Oasis Academy Skinner Street is part of the Oasis Academy families. We welcome applications from families of all faiths and none. We believe each and every one of our young people is capable of reaching their potential with the support of the academy family and friends.
Reception 2025 Open Day Stay & Play.
If your child is due to start school in September 2025, you must apply through our local LA, Medway Council Admissions. Details of the application process can be found on the Medway Council website - Click here to view. Please note applications close on Monday 15th January 2024.
If you would like to view our academy before applying, please book a place by emailing office@oasisskinnerstreet.org and choose from the following dates:
- Monday 16th December 2024 - 15:30 -16:30 hrs
- Monday 6th January 2024 - 15:30 - 16:30 hrs
Please note that we can only allow 2 adults per child .
We look forward to meeting you !
Principal's WelcomeWelcome to Oasis Academy Skinner Street! At Oasis Academy Skinner Street we take great pride in our students, we aspire to create opportunities for them to flourish academically and to form their good character. When our students leave us, we want them to be self confident, to know how to build and sustain strong relationships, to have high aspirations and to have achieved their very best. We want our students to embrace and contribute to the life of the school, both through their learning and by taking part in our extensive range of enrichment and leadership activities. We are proud of our partnership with parents and value their support to fulfil our vision. We want every student to enjoy their time with us and to leave with fond memories that they will cherish forever. Our children leave us prepared for responsible adulthood taking with them principled values that will impact positively on their own lives, and those of others, to make for a better world.
Mrs Victoria Richmond
Our vision for the school is summed up as Inspire, Challenge and Achieve.Inspire Every member of Oasis Academy Skinner Street to take every opportunity in and out of the classroom to learn and flourish.Challenge Everyone to be the best they can be.Achieve Success in all aspects of life. We look forward to welcoming you to our family.