
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Day

Breakfast Club

 Breakfast Club begins at 7.30am and finishes when children go to their classrooms at 8.45am. We charge £3 per day, per child and spaces must be booked in advance via My Child at School app. 

Beginning and end of day routine

Gates to the main playground are open between 8.40am and 8.50am. At the end of the day, gates will be open from 3.15pm and close at 3.25pm. Any children not collected by this time will be taken to the office.

Late arrivals

It’s essential that your child arrives promptly at the Academy because the day starts off with the teacher explaining the day’s learning to the class. If, for any reason, your child is late, please escort them to the James Street gate and inform the Attendance Officer of their arrival and the reason for their lateness. It is better to come late than not to come at all. Any child arriving after 9:30am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence for the morning session unless an acceptable reason is given.

Children leaving the Academy other than at official times must be signed out at the main office.


We ask that parents contact the school by calling the absence line or email to by 9.45am on the day to report their child/ren's absence. If we do not hear of a reason for absence, the session will go down as unauthorised. In the event of illness, your child is invited to come in later on in the school day should they feel better, with the exception of vomiting.


Afterschool Club - Wraparound CareAfterschool club is available from the end of the school day until 18:00hrs. Children are taken directly to the club at the end of the school day and should be collected via the office entrance on Skinner Street. A healthy snack (typically fresh fruit, yoghurt, milk, fruit juice or water) will be offered to all children who attend. We charge a fixed price of £6.00 per session, per child and spaces must be booked and paid for in advance of the day you wish them to attend via My Child At School App