
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


We are a Good school!

Our latest OFSTED visit was on the 21st- 22nd September 2021. In this report we have remained as a 'Good' judgement since our last inspection in June 2016. Please click here for the full report.

Here are some comments from the report that we would like to share with you.

  • "Pupils really enjoy coming to this warm and inclusive school They are confident that staff care about them and keep them safe."
  • "The Headteacher, with support from the multi-academy trust, has set about transforming the school. She is determined to create a learning environment in which all pupils can thrive and succeed."
  • "Parents, including those whose children had joined the school recently, told inspectors that they felt very welcomed within the school community."
  • "The nine habits are a role model to us, not for just school, but for being an adult."
  • "Staff read high quality texts to pupils on a daily basis to help them develop their love of reading"


You can also visit the Ofsted webpage for our Academy through this link.

Parent View

Parent View is the Ofsted regulated feedback forum for parents and carers. Here you can give your say on how you feel your child's school is being run. Oasis Academy Skinner Street welcomes feedback from parents and carers. If you would like to participate on Parent View, please click below.

Parent View